Posted on Feb 26, 2018
Our Club just finished the Rotary 4 Way Test Speech contest and we have winners.  This year we have students from both Fremont Ross High School and Vanguard-Sentinel CTC.
Thank you to Rotarian Angie Morelock for her leadership in organizing the contest.
Article Extract from The News-Messenger:

All voices matter, speech contest winner says

, ReporterPublished 2:47 p.m. ET Feb. 26, 2018

Vanguard student notes positive impact that words can have
FREMONT - Five students ranging from seniors to a sophomore competed in the Fremont Rotary Club's annual "Four-Way Speech Contest," with Vanguard Career Center student Austin Dix taking home $300 for his speech on using your voice to become a superhero.

Addressing a room full of Rotarians and three judges at the Fremont Country Club on Monday,  Dix said he is a fan of Marvel superheroes, but will never fly or save those in danger by using special powers.

During their speech, contestants are tasked with meeting the Rotary's four-way test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Dix said that he and others around him can save lives by using their voices.

"Our voices have the power to impact those around you," Dix said as he addressed members of the Fremont Rotary International Club.

With recent events of school shootings, Dix said those who unleash death and destruction at schools are often people who feel rejected by society.

"Sometimes three words can make a difference," Dix said. "And those are, 'How are you?'"

Dix said many who feel depressed or angry could find solutions through talking about their struggle.

"Using our voice can inspire others," Dix said. "All voices matter."

With his first-place prize, Dix will compete in the district competition in Van Wert on April 14. 

Second-place winner Clarita Diaz participated in the contest last year where she also finished in second.

This year, Diaz, now a senior at Ross High School, spoke about stereotypes, and how tearing down a stereotype led to finding a best friend when she was in eighth grade.

"I assumed because she was quiet and by the way she dressed, she was anti-social," Diaz said. "But I decided to make an effort and get to know her."

Savannah Krueger, who also competed last year as a junior, placed third and earned $100.

Krueger applied the Rotary's four-way test towards art, and the impact it can make bringing families, cultures and societies together.

"Art allows us to have conversations with the rest of the world," Krueger said. 

Art has become a way for Krueger to express her emotions in a constructive way, and said whether someone is a beginner or a skilled painter, they still have the ability to express themselves. 

"Whether my art is in the Guggenheim, or on my mom's fridge, I'm proud of it," Krueger said. "Art allows us to see the world through a different lens."

Also competing were Ross sophomore Kaden White, who used the four-way test to show why music allows you to be yourself, and Ross senior Sarah Schott, who detailed why hunting is so important. / 419-334-1035 / Twitter: @CraigShoupNH