Posted by Club President Angelica Rinehart on Mar 25, 2019
The Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of Fremont, Ohio was held on Monday, March 25, 2019, at 12:15 pm, at Fremont Country Club.
1. President Angelica Rinehart called the meeting to order.
2. President Angelica proceeded to hold the Election of Officers and Board of Directors for Rotary Year 2019-20 by reading the following nominees:
* President: Roger Ku.
* President-Elect and First Vice-President, and Chairperson of Club Service #1: Cody Bischoff.
* Second Vice-President, and Chairperson of Club Service #2: Lori Koebel.
* Third Vice-President, and Chairperson of Vocational Service and Community Service: Paul Hershey.
* Fourth Vice-President, and Chairperson of International Service: Jodi Baker.
* Fifth Vice-President, and Chairperson of Youth Service: Derek Sprouse.
*Secretary-Treasurer: Angelica Rinehart.
As there was no nomination received from the general membership, President Angelica proceed to close the nomination.  
Past President Ken Berlekamp moved to accept the closure; Past President Tony Camilleri seconded; Motion unanimously approved.
President Angelica asked the general membership to accept the above named nominees as elected Officers and Board of Directors for Rotary Year 2019-20.  
Past President Dick Binau moved to accept; Past President Pam Hoesman seconded; Motion unanimously approved.

3. President Angelica announced the Board Appointees for Rotary Year 2019-20 as follows:
*** Immediate Past President: Angelica Rinehart.
*** Sergeant-At-Arms: Christie Weininger.
*** The Rotary Foundation Coordinator: Past President Cheryl Cotter.
4. President Angelica adjourned the Annual General Meeting at 12:20 pm.
Past President Tony Camilleri moved to accept; Rotarian Rick Egbert seconded; Motion unanimously approved.
Recorded by

Angelica Rinehart

Club President Rotary Year 2018-19
Rotary Club of Fremont, Ohio