Posted by The News Messenger on Dec 14, 2015
FREMONT - The Fremont Rotary Club announced a repeat winner Monday in its student speech contest.
Much like her winning presentation last year on technology, Ross senior Sarai Perez, 18, spoke from the heart Monday and told her story about how precious time is in everyone’s life.
"How precious is my life story? How long is this precious time? As a student, I never knew what I wanted to become," Perez said during her speech.
After careful thought, Perez told the room full of Rotary members that her goal was to do many things in life, not settling for something easy, or simple. Perez wants to reach for the stars, and take full advantage of the time she has on Earth.
"Whenever my life story ends, it will be marvelous. We must look at ourselves and ask if we are doing enough with every heartbeat," Perez said.
She said she is at her best giving speeches when they come to her the night before and she can speak from the heart. Her message Monday was intended to inspire those around her to use their time wisely and never take life for granted.
"I feel blessed. I've done so many speeches. I always act as if it was my first time (speaking)," Perez said.
Other speakers touched on subjects such as racism or dependency on superficial beauty.
"All six speakers were inspiring. They all spoke from the heart and the judges really had a hard job," said Dennis Newman, co-chair of the Rotary's Four Way Test speech contest.
Each student had five minutes to speak.
Michael Borjas, 16, a junior at Ross, spoke about the discrimination and racism he faced in middle school, which led him to seek acceptance by joining the Ross band in high school.
Ross Senior Alejandra Montez, 17, told a personal story of how she stopped trusting people in her life because of strained relationships at home.
Now in its second year, the speech competition asks students to use the Four Way Test, which addresses the following questions: Is it true? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? And will it be beneficial to all?
Perez received $300 for finishing first and will compete in a regional speech competition in Van Wert next year.
Twitter: CraigShoupNH